I was so excited to be a part of the Designer Pattern Swap! I don't always have time to sew up other designers' patterns, even though I ALWAYS want to and buy so many...they are too cute to pass up and I have good intentions!! However, I am usually working on my own patterns, so this helped me ... Read More about Designer Pattern Swap
FREE new Cinderella dress pattern- size 5!
If your daughter is like mine, she has been begging for the new Cinderella dress ever since she saw the trailer! Glitter, sparkles, butterflies, tulle....every little girl's dream! I had planned on grading this into a full pattern, but like too often, ran out of time. I turn around and bam, my ... Read More about FREE new Cinderella dress pattern- size 5!
How to add a tulle over skirt to any pattern
Adding tulle to ANY pattern can really make it special! Plus, what little girl doesn't LOVE a puffy tulle skirt??? Best off, it's simple and tulle is very affordable, yay! It can be a LITTLE tricky to work with, but like anything, practice, and a lot of patience in this case, is all it takes. Here I ... Read More about How to add a tulle over skirt to any pattern
FOE (fold over elastic) Tutorial
Here is a QUICK tutorial on how to use fold over elastic OR FOE! You can use this on my new Emma pattern in place of the lingerie elastic or the clean band option. FOE is widely available and inexpensive, so it is a good alternative to the lingerie elastic if you can't find the right color or ... Read More about FOE (fold over elastic) Tutorial
New Year!
Hope everyone had a wonderful New Year! I have not sewn ANYthing since November!! NOVEMBER!! We were so busy with preschool functions, traveling to visit family, the holidays AND I decided to rearrange my entire house....so the house is a wreck and I am missing my machines! I have several patterns ... Read More about New Year!