Welcome back for Day 2 of the Samantha Suspender Skirt SAL! If you missed day 1, catch up here. Today, we’re going to make our suspenders, loops, and flutters, if adding. If you aren’t adding any of these options…woohoo, you have a rest day! Use it to sew up a super cute matching top using the Rose Ruffle Tee, Lauren Pintuck Top, or Charlotte Collar Top.
Let’s start by prepping our suspenders. You should have your two suspenders cut out already(both for the traditional tie-back & knot), so go ahead press them per tutorial instructions and set aside. You will want to do this for all suspender options. If you are making the knot-style suspenders, you may want to leave the end square instead of cutting on the diagonal. If you aren’t adding flutters to your suspenders, skip down to suspender construction.
Adding Flutters to your Traditional Tie-Back Suspenders
Start by finishing the long, straight edge of one of your flutter pieces. If you don’t have a serger or prefer a narrower hem, press ¼” toward wrong side and ¼” again. If using a serger, serge along the long, straight edge without cutting any fabric off. Press ½” toward wrong side of fabric. Edge stitch hem in place. For a different look, you can roll hem your flutter instead. I went ahead and rolled my hem for this one. I just love the look of a rolled hem! Just make sure to cut off the 1/2″ seam allowance if you do this. Repeat with other flutter. If you want, you can add a layer of lace on top of your flutter…so so pretty!
Gather each flutter along the curved edge using your favorite gathering method (I love using my gathering foot. So quick and easy!).
Use chart below to see how much to gather each flutter.
Open up your suspender pieces, right side up, and lay your flutter pieces ¾” from short, straight edge. This is the edge that will be sewn into your front waistband! Your flutters should be right side down and your suspenders should be mirror images. Long, raw edge of flutters should be lined with with long, raw edge of suspender. Pin each flutter in place. With a ½” seam allowance, baste flutters to suspenders.
Adding Flutters to your Knot-Style Suspenders?
You will follow the instructions above to finish and gather your flutters. Open up your suspender pieces, right side up, and lay your flutter pieces 5.5-6.5” away from the short, straight edge. This will be your FINISHED edge, NOT the edge that gets sewn into your back waistband. Your flutters should be right side down and your suspenders should be mirror images. Long, raw edge of flutters should be lined with with long, raw edge of suspender. Pin each flutter in place. With a ½” seam allowance, baste flutters to suspenders.
Now it’s time to sew your straps together! Suspenders should be folded in half, width wise along that crease that we pressed earlier. Stitch together following the tutorial. If adding the optional flutter, tuck the flutter out of the way of your seam allowance. I use wonder clips to hold my suspenders in place. I LOVE wonder clips! Especially when using my serger… I’ve had way too many close encounters with my serger blades when using pins!
Clip those corners and trim down the seam allowance to 1/4″. This will make turning your suspender and pressing it much easier.
Now it’s time to use one of our favorite notions…. TUBE TURNERS! Megan G. and Megan T. both use the point former and tube turner from Nancy’s Notions. I have a simple Tube Turning kit I picked up from Jo-Ann. Either one works great and saves soooo much time. Go ahead and turn those suspenders Right side out.
Press your suspenders and top stitch if you love to top stitch. Now sit back and admire those pretty suspenders! Aren’t those flutters fabulous?!?!
Follow the tutorial for constructing the loops if you want your suspenders to tie in the back with a bow. If you are modifying your straps to knot in the front of your waistband instead, you can skip this step. Yay! Thanks for joining us for Day 2. Don’t forget to post your progress in the Day 2 album in the Made for Mermaids Patterns Group on Facebook or Instagram #samsal #m4msal #samanthasuspernderskirt. See you tomorrow!

Suspender With Flutters

Knot Style Suspenders
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