Day 5 of our Penelope sew-a-long is today! Woohoo!
Today we’re going to pin or clip the side seams, to include the sleeves, and then sew them up using a 1/2″ seam allowance. I like to clip the raw edge of the sleeve, the armpit seam, and the bottom hem raw edge, then place clips along the remainder of the side seams. This helps to ensure that you don’t run out of dress before the side seams are completely attached 🙂
Don’t forget:
- Match up armpits and raw edges
- Seam allowance is 1/2″
- Sew with right sides together
Want to sew along with me? Check out today’s video!
If you have questions about sewing up your side seams, you are always welcome to post in our SAL group so we can help you! Be sure to check in each day during the SAL, and look for daily posts to enter our giveaways. We can’t wait to see what you create this week!
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