Both times I’ve been pregnant, I’ve preferred fitted tops that show off the baby bump. And the Tai bodysuit, with a super easy ruching modification, is absolutely perfect for that! I cut out my normal Made for Mermaids size, which is a blue. If you need to add or subtract any length for your height, do that now. I added 0.5-inches for my height.
Now, we are going to add some ruching to the front bodice piece only. We will do this by adding length to the front bodice and then gathering it back up to match the original side seam length. How much length you want to add is up to you. For mine, I added 5 inches. You will want to add this length a little below the waist.
Now you are ready to cut out your fabric! Remember – we are not altering the back bodice piece for ruching!
When you cut out your front bodice, make sure to mark on the fabric where you added ruching length. Sew two rows of gathering stitches about an inch past each of these markings, one at 1/4” and one at 5/8”. This will give you the best ruching results!
Gather the bodice so that the gathered side seam matches the back bodice side seam. Repeat for the other side of the front bodice.
Now you can treat your front bodice just like you would had you not made any mods. Continue shirt/bodysuit construction per the pattern tutorial.
Once finished, you will have more belly room and a perfect, fitted, maternity top! Enjoy! -Jenn
You can use this simple ruching maternity hack for almost any top pattern! Don’t forget to share your beautiful maternity makes with us over in our Facebook group!
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