I have told myself for years I would be better about blogging. ‘Next week’ maybe….. It’s hard to carve out time to do so regularly. When I saw Katy post about Sunday Lately in a facebook group, I knew I had to join! I also posted TWO other times this week… here and here… say what?!?! I KNOW!! (takes a bow).
This week’s themes: Doing, Appreciating, Designing, Humming, Expecting
DOING: Getting a lot of things out of the trash. We have been trying to get on a better schedule now that my daughter is in kindergarten. It has been an adjustment to have just my son at home during the day. He. Is. A. HANDFUL. Busy, busy, busy. All boy! In to and on to everything without his sister here to entertain/tell on him. Throwing away everything he can get his hands on while saying “that’s trash trash”, playing in the toilet water, eating dog food, pouring the dog water out, getting in to my make up and trying EVERY second of the day to get a pair of my sewing scissors! Hopefully we will find our perfect schedule soon…. or bubba bear maybe be headed to a Mother’s day out a couple times a week, so this mama can work!!!
APPRECIATING: Family! This week was “grand lunch” at school for my daughter. She was so happy to have both my parents come for grandparent’s day lunch. They also watched both kids and my nephew while Judy and I got our nails done Friday. AND last night, my daughter spent the night with them, so my husband and I could go to his buddy’s birthday party. We live about 3 minutes from my parents house and it has been an adjustment for her not seeing them as often now that she’s in school! Weeks like this make up for it.
DESIGNING: A lot of patterns! I digitized an everyday princess pattern Megan is working on. It’s going in to testing today and hopefully ready in a few weeks. I had a pattern in testing this week AND I have 2 new patterns pretesting. Phew!! My two in pretesting are a little more involved than my typical pattern, but OH. MY. GOODNESS! I am in LOVE! I can not wait to share and show them off! I have been busy taking tutorial pictures; there are several options which means a lot of pictures! (I can’t sneak pictures of the patterns, but I love fresh, pretty nails 😉 )
EXPECTING: A BUSY BUSY BUSY week! We have so many patterns testing, pretesting and my pattern anniversary is this month!! HOORAY! We will be celebrating with giveaways, contests, fabric, patterns and a sale of course 🙂 Make sure to join my facebook pattern group for more info coming later this week!
See you back next Sunday!!!
Sometimes, kids are lucky they are so cute right? Haha. In the garbage? Noooo!! I am STOKED to see the new pattern(s) coming out. I love pretty much everything you produce.